We like to share our 30 years
experience in dogtraining with you and offer the following services:
- We provide a service to help people importing their puppy/adult
, trained or green dog. We locate the dog that meets the requirements of our customer and help them
with all the necessary paperwork and shipment.....All you have to do, is
picking your dog up at the nearest airport.
- We provide a service for dogs that need basic or additional
training., We can train, title and koer them, or just learn or improve some
specific excercises or phases, we are open for your needs...Just let
us know
- We are familar with the UK petpasport scheme, and
can arrange all the nescesarry paperwork, vaccinations, bloodtests , etc.. .We
also offer a better and cheaper alternative to putting your dog into
Instead of staying constantly in a quarantainekennel somewhere in UK, your
dog will get the best of treatment, and care with us, we will make sure that
puppies are well socialized and get the initial imprinting , for older dogs
we can even train your dog if you want while waiting to travel to UK.
We make importing to UK headachfree for you...........
Feel free to contact us about this.
- We are available for seminars covering all 3 phases
of the work, lecture and practical training, tracking, obedience and
protection, from novice till proffessional, also lecture about genetics and
breedings, and helper seminars.
- We are open to answer all your training
/ breeding questions and we
will answer all of them when possible.